Road Races
2017 Road Racing Calendar
Here is the 2017 season Road Racing Calendar.
In Ireland (North and South) this year the clubs have to face very high increase in insurance prices to cover the events.
When publishing this post, it has been confirmed that Killalane Road Race won’t be held in September for this reason.
Update 06/02/2017: The Club just confirmed that they won’t be able to organise the races in 2017 for not being able to finance the high insurance cost. 🙁
Update 12/04/2017: there will be a race on Killalane circuit at the same date as previous one, organised by a new club. A very good news for road racing.
It is very important for the fans who want to keep going to those fabulous events to participate as much as they can to the financial effort of the clubs, paying the entry fee (when there is) and/or buying a program. Also using the car parks can help.
We can also contribute by becoming a member of one of the Clubs organising those events.
IRELAND (NORTH & REPUBLIC) & ISLE OF MAN (chronological order)
*21-22 April 2017: Tandragee 100 (Tandragee- co. Armagh- Northern Ireland)
*28-29 April 2017: Cookstown 100 (Cookstown- co. Tyrone- Northern Ireland)
*10-14 May 2017: Northwest 200 (Coleraine-Portrush-Porststewart- co. Antrim- Northern Irleand)
*27 May to 9 June 2017: Isle of Man TT (Ile de Man)
*30 June/1 July 2017: Skerries 100 (Loughshinny- co. Dublin – Republic of Ireland):
*8-9 July 2017: Walderstown “Race of the South” (co. Westmeath – Republic of Ireland)
*10-13 July 2017: Southern 100 – (Ile de Man)
*22-23 July 2017: Faugheen 50 Road Race (co. Tipperary – Republic of Ireland)
*28-29 July 2017: Armoy Road Races (Armoy – co. Antrim – Northern Ireland)
*8-12 August 2017: International Ulster GP, Dundrod (co. Antrim – Northern Ireland)
*10-11 September 2017: Milverton road races, Killalane (co. Dublin – Republic of Ireland)
East Coast Motorcycling (Facebook page)
*Spring Cup: 22-23 April 2017
*Cock O’ the North: 24-25 June 2017
*Barry Sheene Race & Rally Festival: 22-23 July 2017
*International Gold Cup Road Races: 23-24 September 2017
IRRC 2017
6-7 May: Hengelo (NL)
7-9 July: Imatra (FI)
21-23 July: Chimay (BE)
19-20 August: Schleiz (DE)
26-27 August: Hořice (CZ)
23-24 September: Frohburg (DE)
Reminder: Circuits guide here